Thursday, May 27, 2010

Campaign Book

I've been hard at work on the campaign book, I think it is going pretty well. I finished the history chapter, which ended up as nine pages in Word and around seven thousand four hundred words. It basically breaks down the timeline the PCs have read point by point with a few paragraphs of explanation for each of the major points. All in all, I think it turned out well. I kept it lean enough that I have something to write about for the history sections of the various nations, but meaty enough to be informative. Its my first time doing this so who knows, it could be trash. Maybe once people get done reading my story, I'll hit them with the campaign book.

I've mainly been basing it off of the 4th Edition Banestorm book and the 3rd Edition Conan campaign book as far as the way chapters and sections are set up. I discovered a really neat feature in Word that allows you to synch up your headings and titles with a table of contents that tells you what page of the document the section or chapter starts on, it also lets you control-click it to go straight to the section without scrolling.

I really like the way the Conan campaign book is set up, but Banestorm is a little more...modern looking I guess. It might be fun to do something with Jeremy where we make the campaign book look all retro/vintage/whatever, maybe sketch out some old school looking artwork for flags and sigils and whatnot. I'm looking forward to collaborating with him on the set up of the campaign book, it should be a fun time. We've talked in the past about doing things like a webcomic, or a podcast more recently, and I do enjoy doing projects with him

More as it develops on this project I guess. I am enjoying it though.

One last thing, Kusseth is apparently a Beuracratic Meritocracy with elements of Athenian Democracy.

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