Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Robust Five Strike Ag...For The First Time

So, gaming was had today. You should probably know that I am metal. Apparently that, or a variation on it is my character's (Junkpile, the somewhat rusted and welded together Warforged that eats gemstones apparently) catchphrase. Kind of cool, not only do I have a character, but he has a catchphrase. It makes me happy. Anway, the rundown.

Everyone had books = GOOD.
Everyone had fun = GOOD.
Everyone got into in-game shenanigans = GOOD.
No one cracked books beforehand = EPIC BAD.

Every single little thing had to be looked up every time, which is ok. I understand we're beginners to 4th Edition and two guys have no experience with DnD. I anticipated this scenario taking a long, long time and am ok with it, because at the end of the day we all had fun. We were tired and hot but we had all had a good time, which is the important part. But man it would have been funner to get further than the first encounter in the span of seven and a half hours. I did have a bit of fun playing leader. At one point we broke into a shop in the dead of night and John's character John the Cleric tripped a trap which exploded and caused the sleeping shopkeeper upstairs to wake up. I ran upstairs yelling about how I heard an explosion and was a bouncer working at the tavern up the street (which was true) meanwhile gesturing for the rest of the party to run out the front door (which they did). Then as the shopkeeper woke up and sort of believed me I waited a bit to see if anyone else responded to the explosion (which wasn't that big of an explosion) like city guards or something, then hacked the shopkeeper's spine in two with my axe. Our goal was to put the guy out of business "one way or another" so I figured we could kill him, eliminate the body, and then run back to the quest giver and Bluff him into believing that he was dead when we got there. I was going for covering our asses in the event that the guards came around and found a dead body in a busy store and the quest giver felt like extorting us or something shady like that. I dunno, I was probably over-thinking stuff, but fuck it, I had fun and it was pretty damn close to what I see as role-playing. I knew Eric had no plan for guards finding a corpse or the quest giver betraying us, but I did it anyway because it seemed like the smart thing to do

Apparently I could do a History Channel-esque series on the facets of life in The Known World (my campaign world). I did little bits about my world all night, it got so bad towards the end that I could not do it and keep a straight face, it was too funny. I guess Jeremy wants to record our sessions, which would be fun to listen to I think. I dunno if they're worthy of a podcast, but we were laughing a lot and there was some good shit that I cannot remember for the life of me.

Steampunk Device of the Post: Cybernetic arm (because the names of some things don't change, even if they are steampunk).
Music: Criminal Minds Theme - Guys Who Do That Sort of Thing (Heather and I are watching TV)

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