Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Product of Lincoln and Hitler's Civil Union

Its not Reich-5 and its not Dixie, its a bit of both. America became a Socialist state and just as in Reich-5, they were the cronies of Germany. However, the South being the South, was like "Eff this shit." when the North was all like "Everybody is equal and gets a fair share of everything," and they suceeded from the Union for the second time. Just like in Reich-5, many American cities were nuked by the Japanese and the Germans and SS and Werhmacht divisions were still deployed to American soil. The Germans still have an asteroid they yanked out of the sky and a colony on Mars and one on the Moon as well. I guess Chicago wasn't levelled in Reich-5, so that's different and it can join the ranks of places like Omaha, St. Louis, Pittsburg, and several others.

I'm not sure what year it is, it might still be 1953 like the initial spark of the story, or it could be 2010 like in the Reich-5 information I read in Infinite Worlds earlier today. The first piece is vague enough that it could be either.

Why hasn't anyone just nuked the fucking shit out of the South? Mutually assured destruction is why. Japan and Germany got off their initial salvos of nuclear devices, but MacArthur and Patton were savy enough chaps to decide that it might be a good idea to get their hands on some nuclear devices of their own, so now it is a bit of a stalemate with an unspoken agreement to keep the radiation out of it for now. The South (at least the land) is an asset and the North is reluctant to consign the whole southern portion of what was once it's territory to nuclear oblivion. The bosses in Germany probably don't give a shit, but at the moment they are content to let America handle its problems in house. Imperial Japan doesn't tell anyone anything so they could very likely have tenshi wandering around down South super-soldiering the fuck out of MacArthur and Patton's boys. That means killing them. With guns, or karate.

Its a weird, wonky, place and I guess more of it will be exposed as the story continues. I make no promises about where it will go or how long it will go for.

Let me know if you figure out what the Vampire is, I tried to make it obvious, but I'm not sure if I was heavy handed enough.

Music: Survivalsim - Nine Inch Nails

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