Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Take 1d10 Falling Damage

Is it wrong that after listening to Gogol Bordello all night I feel that Dan, Jeremy, and I should grow ridiculous handlebar mustaches (or glue such things to our faces) and go out to a bar and drink heavily?

I have a confession to make. I've fallen out of love with Reich-5. There, I said it. Don't get me wrong, stomping Nazis on American soil will be a grand old time, I assure you. I will be right there alongside everyone else saying stuff like, "Nazis, I hate those guys." I just don't have the visceral attraction to the setting that I did five months ago. Part of the cause is that we talked it up and it didn't go anywhere until a few days ago when Eric started working on the scenario, and a few weeks before that when he and I started hashing out some details during a car ride to Shawn's. Another reason is that writing Inconsistencies Continued has kind of burned me out on the whole Robot/Doctor/Driver/Gangster/Etc team and their adventures in Reich-5/Dixie. The final component is Laura's character idea, the charlatan voodoo priestess. That character is a neat idea, but it feels out of place in Reich-5 and more at home in Shadow Chasers. In fact, I just wrote an email to everyone using a similar sentence.

Anyone ever read Hellboy? The movies are ok, but they don't do justice to the character. I would have to say that Hellboy is my second favorite comic series, the first being Sandman (which is phenomenal). Hellboy does two things in my experience: pound on freakish monsters and Nazis with that freakish fist of his.

What I'm getting is that we could do something in the vein of Hellboy, or even Indiana Jones. Supernatural adventures set in the 40s where as often as not we're fighting Nazis or monsters or Nazi monsters. We have an element of supernatural weirdness that isn't as random and starkly out of place as a magic user or faith healer in Reich-5 , but we're still fighting the good fight against Nazis (I hate those guys), so Dan gets his WW2 gland palpated. ...That was kind of gross. We also get to keep that pseudo-pulp feel, or exchange it for an actual pulp feel, depending on who plays what and why.

I dunno. My two cents, ignore or ponder at your leisure.

Music: Sally - Gogol Bordello
Music: Immigrant Punk - Gogol Bordello
Music: Start Wearing Purple - Gogol Bordello

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