Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ten Cents (With Color! Or is it In Color?)

In the past Jeremy and I have gone back and forth and back again regarding the idea of a webcomic. In the past we (he) has attempted to cartoonize the both of us, and more recently we discussed the idea of a comic involving my Warforged character Junkpile from Eric's campaign and Jeremy's own character from said campaign. I could only come up with one idea, and it as follows:

Panel 1: Junkpile and Friend sit at table in tavern, background vague but old timey. Junkpile has a pile of gems/gold in front of him and is enjoying a tasty meal of valuable alloys while Friend looks elfy and reads a book. There are suitable "nom" noises written around Junkpile's mouth. A skulky looking character is in process of walking past table.

Panel 2: Same as panel 1, except that now there is a hand reaching up from beneath the table pawing at Junkpile's meal. Some manner of suitable mark/jewelry/identifier indicates that the arm belongs to the skulker.

Panel 3: Junkpile's axe appears and is raised above the table with action marks indicating that it will be descending swiftly with much weight behind the blow. Junkpile is still noming away.

Panel 4: Only the haft of the axe is visible, but Junkpile's metal exterior and his Friend's book are spattered with blood. The book is lowered though and the Friend is looking at Junkpile, he has a speech bubble that says, "Isn't there a law or something that precludes that sort of behavior?" Junkpile has a speech bubble below that says, "They're more guidelines than rules, really."

After like a week of thought, this was the best I could come up with, and I'm not even sure any of it is even graphically feasible. On top of that it isn't terribly funny and to cause even a smirk you have to have a certain amount of knowledge about Asimov and sci-fi to know that the Friend is referring to Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics (or whatever they may be called), one of which amounts to "Don't kill the meatbags."

Webcomics to me would be like trying to write my stories via the medium of a haiku, and I don't know that my writing style/vocabulary is versatile enough to get my point (whatever it may be) across in the span of twenty or thirty words, or more likely less.

I just tried to write a haiku about Keroen Skathos here, at best it was nonsensical.

Music: More Bowie.

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