Monday, October 19, 2009

CLIFFHANGER! (Sans Stallone) (Inconsistencies Continued, Part 10)

A week had passed and they were unloading looted materiel from a Union Army outpost they’d raided. The Union Army soldiers were easier targets, but their equipment was found wanting when compared to that of the Germans. The Doctor and the Robot had managed to cobble together some tungsten plating and had managed to run it over the new seam in the Robot’s hide. He and the Gangster were unloading the Chevy while the Driver worked beneath it.

“I still do not understand the humor.”

“Yeah, I’m aware of that, we’ve been hashing it out for the past few days. You’re a damn metal man, you understand?”

The Robot set down a crate of ammo near the Gangsters workstation and said, “I am.”

“You understand that anyone lookin at you can tell you’re damn big an made of metal?”

“I do understand that as well.”

The Gangster set down a small crate of grenades and paused to light a cigarette before speaking, “Now, it ain’t funny because you look anything like old Hitler. It’s funny because you’re a metal man with black marker all over your face pretending to imitate Hitler.”

“I still fail to see the use of such tactics, or the humor.”

“There ain’t any tactical use other than making people say ‘what the bloody Hell’ when they’re looking at you. It’s funny ‘cause it’s a ridiculous lookin scene. You’re a big metal man stomping around with marker on your face yelling like your Hitler yapping about blacks an Jews. It’s funny because it’s stupid.”

The Robot paused and cocked its head to the side, mysterious things within it whirring quietly.

“The humor stems from the fact that no one takes it seriously as a tactic of war?”

The Gangster took a long drag while shaking his head back and forth then said, “To a certain extent. Everyone recognizes Hitler’s mustache and most know his hairdo, but mainly it’s the mustache that makes it obvious you’re trying to imitate the little bitch. It’s also just as obvious that you’re a metal automaton and not Hitler and with the mustache in marker on your face it’s obvious what you’re tryin to do. The humor comes from the whole situation being ridiculous looking and it also being blatantly obvious what you are and what you’re tryin to do. You follow?”

“I believe so.”

“You follow it all any better than you did two days ago?”

“I believe my processors have a better understanding of humor as you define it, yes.”

“That’s something I guess.”

As was fitting, that was when sirens began going off and the walls around them began shaking. The Doctor leapt to a console and cut the sirens off, bellowing as he did so.

“Germans and Union Army soldiers in the streets above, the vibrations are from artillery two blocks away shelling us. They seem to know exactly where we are.”

The last was aimed at the Gangster, his only response was to slam a drum into his Tommy gun and say, “My contract is all paid up for the next six months. If they sold you out they didn’t mention it to me.”

“Comforting,” muttered the Doctor dryly as he checked his sensors before continuing, “the artillery is pulling out, we should have infantry moving in shortly.”

The Driver had the Chevy idling and the garage exit rumbling open, over the noise he yelled a question to the Doctor, “How the Hell did they manage to creep up on us so easily?”

“If I had three hours I could tell you, at a guess I’d say it has to do with the fact that our sensors are cobbled together from German and American components and perhaps I missed some encrypted files in the American components.”

“Swell,” muttered the Driver as he bolted a slightly less robust Gatling gun than the Robot’s onto the Chevy’s hood.

The Robot approached the Doctor and with a hiss of static he did his best to whisper to the scientist, “Something feels wrong within my programming. I feel as if there were programming there once that is no longer there but is still attempting to carry out its parameters. It is disconcerting.”

“What kind of programming?”

“Sensors of some kind I believe, or perhaps software for the decoding of sensory input.”

“Are the Germans attempting to remotely hack your programming?”

“Negative. I have removed the components that allowed them to do so and have hardened my logic centers and processors. If they were able to hack me we would be in a much worse situation than we currently are.”

The Robot paused before continuing, “I believe that my sensors are detecting something in the vicinity that I no longer possess the software to understand the meaning of.”

“You’re telling me something is there but you cannot see it.”

“It is not a visual sensor that is detecting this object.”

“What kind of sensor is it then? Aural? Olfactory?”

“I cannot determine that, all I can determine is that some manner of sensor has detected an object or emission that it was designed to detect. There is missing software that would indicate all of this to me.”

“If you saw it would you be able to know it was what you detected?”

“Yes, if I saw what I was detecting I would be able to program myself to understand the sensor in question and be able to use it actively.”

The garage door finally rumbled open and revealed half a dozen SS soldiers. The Driver had finished bolting toys to the Chevy and was in the driver’s seat. He sprawled across the front seat of the Chevy and grabbed the control for the guns on the passenger side and killed four soldiers before anyone had noticed them. Then he hit the horn and ducked beneath the dash as the Germans opened fire.

In the blink of a human eye the Robot had moved away from the Doctor and to the front of the Chevy, shielding the vehicle from rounds with his own armored bulk. The hail of fire emitting from his arm tore the life out of six more soldiers and red beams from over his shoulder took the lives of the last two. When the Robot turned and the Driver poked his head out of cover they saw that is was the Sorcerer and not the Doctor that was responsible for the death dealing beams. Where the Doctor’s were lasers emitted by his gauntlets, the Sorcerer’s bracelets could store and shoot lethal red beams of fire.

“We should flee,” said the Robot.

That was when the far wall of the lab caved in and revealed thirty Union Army soldiers and another two dozen soldiers of the SS.

“I agree,” said the Doctor as he joined them near the Chevy.

The Gangster had taken cover behind one of the many work tables in his armory and began letting loose with his Tommy gun.

“Evidently we have opted for another course of action,” said the Robot as the barrels of his arm began cycling and hurling rounds at their foes.

The Doctor leaned a head into the Chevy and said, “Keep the engine running and be prepared to get us the Hell out of here.”


  1. your ability to entertain still amazes me, as well as your skill in writing improving all the time.

    "One of his best posts yet!" says freelance book reviewer, Eric Lobodzinski.

  2. Eeee! Will they ever get out of this one? Find out next time! I am waiting with bated breath for Part Eleven.

    "Eric Lobodzinski's book "reviews" are nothing more than drivel!" -- Jeremy Pawlak, columnist, Deflated Sails: The Chop Busting Magazine

  3. In the Letter To The Editor column of the news paper, Eric Lobodzinski writes:

    "That Pawlak fellow doesn't know his rear from a hole in the ground. Also, I keep his magazine right next to my toilet so I can use it for what it is good for: Wiping my ass."

  4. (also, i realize newspaper is one word)

  5. The following is an excerpt from the September 1955 issue of Deflated Sails: The Chop Busting Magazine:

    "...Lobodzinski's attempts at poetry and verse are, frankly, bush league. Also, it comes to me from a reliable source that his personal hygiene is laughable; I'm told he breaks wind in crowded elevators! Can you imagine such a thing?
    Proper society is disgusted with Mr. Lobodzinski, his lack of tact, class, common decency, and his odious smell."

  6. Dear Annie,

    I have this mortal enemy of mine who, as some would say, is a peer in writing. I call shenanigans on this. His writing style is degrading to human intelligence and makes Dr. Seuss look like a novelist. Now he attacks my hygiene. I have considered cutting his break-lines. What should I do?

    Death By Break-line in Michigan

    Dear Break-line,

    I believe I have dealt with this ostentatious and over-zealous scoundrel. His written works are definitely over hyped and boring. It would be my pleasure and honor to help with your scheming against him. I will be contacting you via phone within the month.

    Ann Landers

  7. From the October, 1955 issue of Deflated Sails: The Chop Busting Magazine:

    It has come to my attention that my esteemed associate (although what esteem he has is surely poor, I assure you) has contacted another of our colleagues in an attempt to turn her against me, and endanger my life. I find this laughable. For one, I do not posses “break-lines,” whatever those may be. If, however, he is referring to the brake lines on my 1950 Chevrolet Deluxe, he is in for a bit of a surprise. I, in fact, never drive my own car (I sleep in my office, I am so devoted to this column, faithful readers; unlike some columnists, who are known to frequent the Copacabana until all hours of the night) also public transport is a far better choice here in the great city of New York.

    Also, let it be known that Ann Landers is a boring old biddy, who could no better advise you on the proper amount to feed her cats (she had three, one died from over-feeding, another from under-feeding. The third may have died of loneliness, although this could not be confirmed before press time), let alone something as complicated as “accidentally” causing someone’s brakes to fail.

    With such ham-fisted attempts as this, it’s no wonder his book reviews are so poor. I marvel to think that he can even hold a pencil to write with.

    I must leave you for now, my dear readers. Until we meet again, give those that pester and perturb what for!

    Jeremy Pawlak is the head columnist for Deflated Sails: The Chop Busting Magazine, and has nothing left to say to any of you.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Local born in Bay City, New York author and columnist for Deflated Sails: The Chop Busting Magazine was arrested today for harassing some nuns at St. Bartelbee's Church of New York.

    When asked what had happened, the 72 year old nun responded with," Jeremy always seemed to be a nice man, always trying to help with the soup kitchen. But it started to get strange when he was following us around, even when we weren't at church." The visibly shaken nun continued," He then started to make passes at us, asking to see our... Pardon me, gams and yet again, I pray Jesus forgives me, calling us Sugar Tits." At this, the nun started to sob horrendously and went back to her room in the church.

    Father Jack of Bartelbee's stated," It seems that a pervert like this has nothing better to do than pester old nuns and insult people. I believe it comes from Satan himself and maybe some self loathing."

    It is reported that Jeremy Pawlak will still write from his cell in jail. Jeremy could not be reached at the time of this article because of "alone time" with his cellmate and new boyfriend, Stubbs Malone. One hopes that this will temper his reign of terror.

    Eric Lobo
    Associated Press

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. From the October 25, 1955 New York Ovserver:
